Monday, July 30, 2012

Beeton -OR- How Not to Write About Muffins

Moving from Child to Beeton. Well, that is apples and oranges, so I am just going to expose Mrs. Beeton for the misunderstood young woman she was. I don't think she ever wanted to write a book about cooking and managing. It was all about her husband.
Looks like she managed to squeak out a muffin recipe.
No one should even be allowed to write a cookbook until she is at least 68 years old. My grandmother never had that opportunity, but she would have written a doozy.

Just look at that bread mixing style. I know I did.

My mother has two other books she had better get out of her before the cookbook. I am not to cookbook age yet. Since I just made that up about being 68 a minute ago, I will admit I have composed several cookbooks which are currently out of print, including "Twelve Ways to Fix a Chocolate Cake," "On Edibility," and an untitled work with several muffin recipes in it. They are out of print because they never were in print. A lime green proof of the untitled work is sitting on the bookcase by the bathroom.
It is bursting with muffiness.

"On Edibility" is in random chapters inside this laptop somewhere, and "Twelve Ways to Fix a Chocolate Cake" is inside an OS9 mac.
I will find the parts pertaining to muffins and post them later.